We All Need God’s Mercy

WE are all too familiar with the Biblical story of the prodigal son, who frittered his inheritance and sank into depression and hard times. Filled with guilt and helplessness, he resorted to doing menial jobs to survive. But one day, he came to his senses and decided to go back home and seek his father’s forgiveness. His happy father welcomed him warmly and ordered for a feast in his honour. The father’s magnanimity, according to Jesus Christ, is typical of God’s nature not to condemn, but to welcome back His lost children.

Every day when we pray, we ask God for His mercy because we are sinners. Right from the day we were born, we were immersed in original sin by virtue of our lineage with our first earthly father, Adam. Since we are all children of Adam and Eve, we share in their fallen nature, which gives room for all forms of inadequacy. And so, while it was God’s plan for man to live in perfection, the disobedience of Adam and Eve brought curses to man, thus cutting short God’s perfect plan for man. However, God can never be outwitted. While the devil was celebrating his short-lived conquest, God in His infinite mercy provided another means through which man can be redeemed, provided he is willing to embrace it. He sent His only begotten son as the second Adam to save us from eternal damnation. And just as He sent Jesus to die for us, He equally made way for us to have another mother who would take the position jettisoned by our first mother Eve. That person is the Virgin Mary, the willing vessel through which Jesus came into this world.

God has done His part through His son Jesus Christ. The rest is left to us. Are we willing and ready to embrace His perfect love or allow ourselves to continue to wallow in self-pity of rejection? You might be battling with certain sins in your life that tend to draw you away from God. You are not alone. We have all sinned and come short of God’s glory. You cannot mock God by claiming you have no sin. The good news is that God is ever merciful. He has made a way for us to continually reconcile ourselves to Him through the sacrament of confession. Only recently, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, declared December 8, 2015 to November 2016 as the extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy. According to him, “When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive.” Cf (“Misericordiae Vultus”)

