Why e-naira policy is the best for Nigeria, by CBN


Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), yesterday, took its e-naira policy campaign to University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), saying ubiquity of electronic form of communication remains the best form of monetary transaction in Nigeria.

Assistant Director, Chika Ugwueze, made the submission when they visited the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Arinze Igwe, to inform him and management of a two-day sensitisation programme on the policy.

He said: “The new policy has come to stay. In two days within this institution, we are going to be talking about e-Naira as a digital equivalent of the currency that we have. By digital equivalent, we just mean the cash in your wallet, but in a computerised form. There have been a lot of issues and discussions as to exactly what is the difference between the e-Naira and the regular Naira that you know.

“The only difference is that you are not holding the e-Naira in your hands. With the ubiquity of electronic form of communication in Nigeria, the development in the currency has reached a digital form. We have had the experience of many other things.

“The electronic payment system in Nigeria has developed, many of the things that we take for granted is usually unique.”

Igwe had said tthe policy, if well implemented, would deepen financial inclusion, speed transaction processes and enhance financial security.

Represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics), Prof. Pat Okpoko, he said aside from the benefits, the other issues and questions regarding the policy must be looked into and addressed to avoid Nigerians losing money.


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