Woe Unto Israel!

Children walk past a destroyed classroom where people were sheltering at a school run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) that was previously hit by Israeli bombardment, in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip on June 7, 2024 amid the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territory between Israel and Hamas. (Photo by Eyad BABA / AFP)

The Israeli Defence Force slaughtered 274 innocent and defenceless Palestinian civilians in Nuseirat on saturday just to rescue four Jewish hostages in what has been decribed by an eyewitness as a “callous massacre” and “hell on earth”.

How can anyone in his right senses justify this madness? How can any sane person rejoice in such mindless savagery and callousness.

Would it not have been more humane to get them released through negotiation and a ceasefire?

Would you not have got more hostages back that way without taking any innocent lives?

Are the babies & infants that you butchered in Nuseirat also members of the Al Qassam Brigade?

Did they also participate in the October 7th attack on Israel?

Were the four hostages hidden in their baby cots, their prams or their diapers?

Did you have to murder them too?

This degree of depravity beggars belief.

It is utterly astounding and totally incomprehensible. It represents a new low in the long and horrific history of Zionist barbarity.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Bibi Netanyahu and his supporters should clap for themselves!

Yet as they rejoice in their butchery and carnage and their pyrrhic victory let them take note of the following: there is NO glory in murdering women & children.

There is NO honor in slaughtering babies and infants and blowing up their little bodies with your sophisticated weapons and precision bombs!

There is NO victory in snuffing out their precious young lives and blotting out their shining star!

There is NO joy in shattering their dreams and destroying their destinies.

Your cruelty is greater than that of Herod, your soul is darker than that of Pharaoh, your boast is greater than that of Sennacherub, your arrogance is greater than that of Nebuchadnezzar, your heart is harder than that of Jezebel, your bloodlust is greater than that of Athalia and your end shall be worse than that of all of them put together.

The Lord of Hosts, the Alpha and the Omega, the Ancient of Days, the Man of War, the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, the El Shaddai, the Elohim, the Adonai, the Lord of the universe, the God of all flesh, the Avenger of our blood, the Lamb of God, the Blood of the sprinkling, the I AM THAT I AM, He who is high & lifted up whose train fills the Temple and He that they call Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whose name is above all names, who is the author and finisher of our faith and to whom every knee must bow, has seen your wickedness and stands against you.

From generation to generation you shall be cursed, your suffering and sorrow shall have no end and a special place in hell has been reserved for you where you shall burn forever.

The time for glorifying yourselves will soon be over for the God of the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the vulnerable and the persecuted shall rise up in defence of the women and children of Gaza and avenge them speedily!

Even Benny Gantz, the leader of the opposition and an erstwhile member of your ‘war cabinet’, can no longer bare the stench of blood that trails you and has abandoned your rat-infested ship and sinking Zionist Government.

Woe unto you Netanyahu and unto Smotrich, Ben Givr, Eliyahu, Gotllieb, Herzog and all the other depraved, bloodthirsty, delusional and insane men and women in your crumbling cabinet and heartless Government.

Woe unto the people of Israel for choosing you as their leader.

Woe unto America for arming, funding and supporting you in your bloody enterprise of mass murder and ethnic cleansing.

Woe unto them for being complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Woe unto the rest of the world for refusing to stand up for truth & justice, for refusing to resist you and for refusing to find the courage to march on Tel Aviv and drag you off your blood-soaked throne.

Femi Fani-Kayode (FFK) is a former Minister of Aviation and one-time Minister of Culture & Tourism of Nigeria.


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