Wow! Elusive certificate secured after G.O’s prayer

Testifiers at the Adamawa crusade held in Adamawa State
I am Sister Chinyere Nora Ogbonna. I am based in the United States of America (USA), but joined the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries precisely on December 25, 2021, through cable. I stumbled on the church’s programme on cable and I joined. Along the programme I was touched and, then, gave my life to Jesus Christ.

I am testifying to the glory of God that there is God in this church and that God is real! I am a nurse but had to go for further studies to become a practitioner. I repeated my exams several times before I realised that it was not ordinary.

It was at this point that a sister gave me Daddy’s number. I SMSed him and he called me to ask what the problem was. I told him that I was pursuing a doctorate degree and each time it got to exams, my supervisors will say nearly, nearly and I will fail. After listening to me, he passed a decree and like a small girl I rolled on the floor; two days later, I went for the exams and to the glory of God I passed it with ease. Not only that; I also passed my other exams and got the license to practice nursing in the U.S. I have since updated my curricula vitae and submitted them to our director. Praise the Lord!

My second testimony is, an animal came to attack me in my dream and I used Daddy’s words against the animal. I began to say: “I declared myself a chosen” and the animal told me his own name. Quickly, I shouted, where is the God of my Pastor’s power? Instantly, the animal died and I woke up. I give all the glory to God. 

At this juncture, I pray for my Dad-in-the-Lord for more grace and prevailing strength to carry on. God will fight his battles and bless his children. Heaven at last!


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